Solitaire Bliss

States with the Most Cheaters in 2024

By Assaf Cohen - 08/20/2024

In life, it is common to cut corners or to fall short of goals. When this happens we often find ourselves cheating to get what we want. From video games to diets, cheating is an aspect of life most of us have become accustomed to. While cheating in some cases is viewed as insignificant, in other cases it can result in destruction — destruction of friendships, romantic relationships, health goals, and more.

At Solitaire Bliss, we know a thing or two about people finding ways around the rules, so we decided to survey Americans to learn more about their habits in 2024. We collected data on which states and cities are home to the most cheaters, what Americans are cutting corners on most, and what they regret. Read on to see how the state you call home ranks among the rest.

Key Takeaways

  • New Jersey, Nevada, and Colorado are home to the most cheaters in the U.S. in 2024.
  • Maine, West Virginia, and Minnesota are home to the least cheaters in the U.S. in 2024.
  • Nearly 1 in 2 Americans admit to cutting in front of someone in line.
  • Cheating on a partner is something 1 in 3 Americans admit to doing.
  • Partners, diets, and schoolwork are the most common things Americans regret cheating on.
  • Residents in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas harbor the most regret for cheating.

The States Where Americans Are Most Guilty of Cheating

Cheating, it’s something many people have found themselves doing at some point in their lives. Whether it’s sneaking a dessert when you are supposed to be cutting down on calories or typing a cheat code into a video game for a specific advantage, the reason doesn’t change that it is still considered cheating. So which parts of the U.S. are most guilty of cutting corners?

Ranking first for the most cheaters is New Jersey with a cheater score of 98.8 out of 100. Overall, residents of the Garden State are the most likely in the country to cheat while playing a multiplayer game, with 57% of residents saying they do it. Additionally, they are the most likely to say they have swapped tags or lied about price to get items cheaper while shopping, and the most likely to have cheated on or lied about their participation in a health or lifestyle challenge/commitment.

In second place with a cheater score of 93.2 out of 100 is Nevada. Residents of the state are the most likely to say they have lied about their age, consumed food or drink while shopping and didn’t pay for it, and cheated on something work-related. Nevada residents are also the most likely in the country to cheat on their taxes with 1 in 4 residents saying they have done it.

Coming in third is Colorado where residents scored a 92.5 out of 100 for cheating. The most common acts the state’s residents are guilty of include hacking a store or business's ordering or reward system and purposely not scanning an item at self-checkout.

On the other end of the spectrum, Maine leads the way for the least cheaters with a score of 64.8 out of 100. Following closely behind for the least cheaters are West Virginia (68.8) and Minnesota (68.9) in second and third, respectively.

The Cities Where Americans Are Most Guilty of Cheating

A U.S. map plotting the top 10 cities that cheat the most

As our state data showed, cheaters live all over the country, but some areas are more guilty than others, so we decided to also discover which cities are home to the most cheaters as well. Leading the way with a score of 96.0 out of 100 is Las Vegas, NV.

Coming in second for the most cheaters is Denver, CO, with a score of 95.4 out of 100. Residents of the state’s capital are the most likely in the country to lie about their age and their child’s age. In third place is Philadelphia, PA, where residents are the most likely to have altered their appearance in photos or videos they posted on social media and cheated on or lied about their participation in a health or lifestyle challenge/commitment.

Overall, we found Albuquerque, NM, and Boston, MA, residents are most likely to cheat while playing a single-player game, while Chicago, IL, and Philadelphia, PA, are the most likely to find ways to bend the rules in multiplayer games.

When it comes to cheating on partners, Boston, MA, and Las Vegas, NV, residents are the most guilty. While residents in Omaha, NE, and Chicago, IL, are the most likely to have cheated on their schoolwork.

What Americans Cheat on Most Often

A bar chart showing the most common things Americans cheat on in 2024

With so many areas of our lives providing an opportunity to cheat, we wanted to gain insight into what Americans cheat on most often. Topping our list with 77% of people doing it, is cheating on diets. Cutting down on snacks and limiting calories can be incredibly difficult, so it is understandable that a majority of cheating in the U.S. revolves around eating what you want.

Next up on the list is schoolwork, as 3 in 4 people admit to cheating on it. From looking up the answers to a question online to copying someone else’s work, there are endless possibilities for how people cut corners when completing their schoolwork.

In third place with nearly 1 in 2 people admitting to it is cheating store checkouts. This includes purposely not scanning an item at self-checkout, swapping tags or lying about the price to get items cheaper, and consuming food or drink while shopping and not paying for it.

Up next as the fourth most common way Americans cheat in 2024 is cutting in line, followed by lying about their age and single-player games in fourth and fifth place, respectively.

Overall, 1 in 3 Americans admit to cheating on their partner. And nearly 1 in 5 Americans admit they have cheated on a partner both emotionally and physically. Additionally, nearly 2 in 5 Americans have altered their appearance to look more attractive in a photo or video they posted on social media, and 1 in 10 people admit to cheating on their taxes.

The Things Americans Regret Cheating on Most

A bar chart showing the most common things Americans regret cheating on in 2024

Cheating is not always done with cruel intentions and when the actions impact others, it is common to experience regret. In addition to understanding what Americans cheat on most often, we also wanted to highlight what people regret cheating on the most.

Topping the list is cheating on a partner, which 1 in 4 people say they regret doing. Up next is cheating on a diet as 1 in 5 Americans wish they hadn’t cut corners. Cheating on schoolwork comes in third as nearly 1 in 5 people say they regret it. Cutting someone in line, cheating or lying during a health or lifestyle challenge, and cheating on work-related tasks claim the fourth, fifth, and sixth spots, respectively.

As for where Americans have the most regret, we found Mississippi residents are the most likely to feel remorse. Tennessee, Arkansas, Nevada, and Colorado residents also crack the top five for the most cheating regret. Overall, 3 in 10 Americans have cheated on something but don’t regret it.

Discovering Bliss Rather Than Cheating

Playful rule-bending can oftentimes be excused or ignored, but it is important to keep in mind how your actions may impact others or even yourself. Peeking over at your friends' cards when they aren’t looking during a game may feel innocent enough, but they could find it annoying or even lose trust in you. Cheating on a diet may feel like a victimless crime, but you started that diet for a reason, so you owe it to yourself to stick to your guns and push forward to your goal.

Similarly, in a game of FreeCell or Spider Solitaire, there is no opponent on the other side watching your eyes to detect deceit. At Solitaire Bliss, the games are more fun without deception. So next time you find yourself tempted to cheat, regardless of the situation, consider how it may impact you and others involved. After all, it can be more satisfying to accomplish your goals through hard work and dedication rather than deceptiveness.


In this study, we surveyed Americans in every state and various cities across the country to determine where residents are most guilty of cheating. We asked about a variety of things people cheat on like games, diets, partners, and more to determine all of the areas of life in which residents cheat.

Using these responses, we awarded points to each instance of cheating and calculated the average score for each state and city. Finally, we adjusted those scores on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 the most cheating.

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